Loving the Kill the Hippos thought from Matt Brittin of Google which Arif wrote about here
For those of you that missed Arif’s blog it is not about attacking endangered species but is the theory that the world wide web allows you to contradict the Hippo ie the Highest Paid Person’s Opinion with online data. The problem in actuality is that all data is open to interpretation, and the wisdom of the crowd can sometimes be the idiocy of the mob. But there is so much to be said for challenging the Hippo that it ought to be part of every business person’s training as they progress through our industry. But I’d in fact like to build on the thought (without hurting any more animals) by saying it is time to go to the SHED.
Watching The Apprentice last night we were pushed to discuss as a family how everyone kept hugging each other only moments before and after stabbing each other in the back. This saccharine effusiveness oozes hypocrisy and the tendency to it surely both diminishes genuine affection and undermines trust.
I call for us to go to the SHED – Stop Hugging – Embrace Disagreement. (Yes I know it lacks the elegance of the Hippo).
First it would be much better viewing on TV if everyone was open about how they felt about it other on the show. Secondly there is a point to be made about real life. The obsession with apparent harmony in the workplace can undermine people’s ability to have a decent argument about things in public and reach a better decision via some elegant dialectic.
You arrive at better, smarter and more profitable decisions if you can have a good fight about a series of opposing views. This is easier with champions of different opinions having a passionate debate than if you’re trying to do it on your own.
Now there is no reason why you can’t still love the person with the opposing opinion to your own, but there is a tendency for the appearance of harmony to be preserved at all times and at all costs. Personally I think this is bad for the energy of the meeting. If you’re in a meeting where the objective is for everyone to look like they’re agreeing even if they are not, then you are in a meeting where everyone’s time is being wasted. If there is a conflict – get it out the closet. And spend more time in the SHED.
Masterchef The Professionals – disagreeing with the judges is sometimes the only way to win.
Thursday, October 28th, 2010The current series of Masterchef – The Professionals which is running on BBC2 has lacked excitement. We don’t even have the frequent assertion that “Cooking doesn’t get much tougher than this” – perhaps because the candidates on this version of the reality show are actually people who earn a living from cooking unlike the amateur, dinner party enthusiasts of the core series.
(So that they actually know that cooking does in fact get tougher.)Tucked away in the most recent episode was a great turning point moment.
Two of the six remaining chefs were battling it out for a place in the final. Clare, a self deprecating woman with clear talent, was pitching with a starter of a giant ravioli (or should that be raviolo?), and a main of “pan-roasted calves liver with crushed jersey royals in a spring vegetable broth”. Imagine if you will the stirring music that injected excitement into the gritty finale cook off with her immediate rival – a rather charming French bloke who made some lovely rum ice-cream. The key moment came when the judges Michel Roux Junior and Gregg Wallace tasted her food. They both liked the food but Gregg said he didn’t like the combination of broth and liver – he didn’t think they went together. Getting the mix of flavours and textures wrong is enough to lose the competition usually. Mild mannered, unconfident Clare, uncharacteristically, said that she understood his point but that she disagreed with him. At this moment the course of the show changed completely. Up until this point her rival looked like he was going to carry off the prize. On any previous show a criticism of culinary juxtapositions would be enough to ensure a knock out. Clare stood her ground, and carried the day.
Not being afraid to disagree with other people’s opinions and conventional wisdom is a sign of potential greatness. As Rupert Murdoch pointed out in his recent speech at the Centre for policy studies ( http://www.mediaweek.co.uk/News/MostRead/1036489/Rupert-Murdochs-full-speech-Centre-Policy-Studies), Margaret Thatcher (of whom I am not a fan) was undoubtedly willing to court unpopularity even within her own party in order to get change to happen. Murdoch said “…she has that admirable quality so rare in politicians – a willingness to court unpopularity. As she said, “If you just set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.”
Not agreeing with her judge on MasterChef must have taken some courage. But standing her ground got Clare in the final. I await with reawakened interest now the final result – but good luck to her and her giant ravioli.
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