Month: September 2013
The medium is the message – truer today than when McLuhan said it.
Many of the senior people who I work with started in the planning game when there weren’t that many media to plan. TV, Print, Radio, Outdoor, Cinema. A staple chart from those days used in way too many presentations (and which I hated, but was made to include more often than I would have liked)…
What is the spirit of the times ?
My regular readers will be aware of the reasons that I missed Google’s annual Zeitgeist festival again. (NFI) However I don’t like to miss out on the spirit of the times and the highlight video from the event is open to everyone to view. (Theme – Rethink and Reset including: “Do we want a society…
The essential components of a brilliant strategy.
The 3 essential components of a brilliant strategy are Tactics, Tactics and Tactics. Speaking as a strategist I can categorically state that it doesn’t matter how beautiful and effective the strategy is in principle. Until it is executed, with effective tactics, it is nothing but froth. Dave Trott takes great pride in his new book…
How to fix problems that are festering.
Have you ever been in a meeting where you felt unable to say what you were really thinking because you knew that it would be unpopular? You know the scenario. You’re sitting there with an opinion that differs from the consensus. Perhaps you have some inside knowledge of what’s really going on. Or a strong instinct that doing…