Month: October 2012
Always be closing
Nobody wants to work in the high pressure sales environment featured in David Mamet’s movie, but it is really clear from our Mobile conference this week that Baldwin’s mantra in Glenglarry Glen Ross is good advice for every advertiser. Mobile (by which I mean smartphones and tablets) changes everything. As Nick Cohen, our head of…
The key planning theme for 2013
Carlos Grande, the very impressive editor of Warc , has invited me to summarise my view of key planning trends for 2013. I am of the view that there is only one way to do this, which is to consider the key trends affecting the UK consumer in 2013. These, and these alone, are…
The limits on reality are no longer a constraint
Convergence is one of those terms that has been talked about for many years. I don’t believe it has hit us in any meaningful way yet. But it is about to. One convergence people used to talk about was how everything would change when you could run video ads on the internet (on a…
The Millennials are coming. Does this change everything ?
Last week at the “Be the Brand” conference, the conference debate was about whether “Brands can be trusted to take a larger role in Society?” I was speaking about my book with other speakers including host Tim Bleszynski from The Alternative, Nick Howard from Edelman, and Bob Thust from Deloitte. The conference organisers believe that a…