Month: October 2017
A good day at work How much are you the victim of SAD? The time shift in late October obviously means more darkness, sooner. Shortly the time will arrive when you may leave for work in the darkness, return home in the darkness, and if you’re in meetings all day, or there’s gloomy weather, you…
Partnerships: Worth more than the trouble
“Partnerships” are routine considerations for our industry. They are not routine to deliver however. First off, they require some definition. People mean different things by them. Is a simple badging of a sponsorship a partnership? If we work collaboratively with content creators aren’t we in partnership? Or is a true media partnership one where unique…
Who’s using data in the best way?
Who is using big data in the best way? The shortlist has been published for the best use of big data for buying. The Gold winner of the Media Week award 2017 in this category has just been announced. The excellent shortlist demonstrates the range of applications for media buying: reacting to the news; identifying…
Want to boost your bottom line?
Want a real competitive advantage? New McKinsey research, published in the FT, reinforces earlier assumptions about the importance of diversity and calculates that the gains can be even greater than previous stats. Simply put, companies run by diverse teams perform better. McKinsey have analysed gender diversity at exec level across 754 companies across the globe.…