Month: September 2017

  • Why frequency matters

    You used to call me on my, you used to, you used to You used to call me on my cell phone Late night when you need my love What makes a hit a hit? Since the dawn of popular music, two factors have mattered most, as reporter Derek Thompson explains in Hit Makers.  A…

  • We are social media

    This month JoeMedia took on the big topic of whether Social Media is dividing us or bringing us together. As their CSO Will Hayward pointed out at the recent Social Media Week London conference there’s been a huge stepchange in democratising news because of Social. News is no longer curated by a set of editors…

  • Is it time to pour the tea yet?

    12 months ago Kathryn Jacob and I published The Glass Wall: success strategies for women at work and businesses that mean business (Profile Books). Since publication we have given over 50 talks in companies in many sectors ranging from the civil service to banking via media companies and the entertainment business.  Businesses have recognised that…

  • Can robots be brave?

    How do you win big at the upcoming Awards, where the final round of judging is imminent?  The judges will surely be looking for brave work. Brave work that innovates.  That breaks the mould.  That shatters existing preconceptions.  Robots can’t deliver this, only people can. As more and more tasks are taken over by machines who can…