Month: September 2016

  • No regrets

    Non, je ne regrette rien. No, I have no regrets.  How many of us can truly say that? According to recent research in the US by Allianz 32% of Americans regret major choices in their lives. Topping the regret charts according to the research? Ignoring your health; neglecting to exercise; giving up on a romantic…

  • How did we do that and what can we learn?

    As we waved Team GB off on the way to Rio were you thinking what I was thinking? “Good luck, hope you do well, but I don’t really expect you to bring back as many medals as London 2012”. Team GB defied my expectations.  The best accumulation of medals in 108 years.  A spread of…

  • Consensus sounds nice, but is the last thing you need for your business.

    “We are the urban elite.  We live inside an echo chamber.” Creative genius Dave Trott in Campaign.  Telling us off for surrounding ourselves with people who look and sound like ourselves. What’s to be done?   More women in the boardroom. Even the best companies in our sector aren’t anywhere near equal in gender mix…