Month: March 2015
Why can’t politicians treat us like intelligent adults ?
As I write this the latest salvo in the great British TV election debate saga is a thorough telling off from Nick Clegg. Clegg’s accused the PM of “faffing”. He said “Honestly my head is spinning with all the proposals and counter proposals, and the insults and the counter insults.” Poor Mr Clegg. His…
Where’s all that content going to come from?
Content is a growth industry. Speaking recently to the Sunday Times ITV’s Adam Crozier said “The demand for content has never been higher. It’s a $50bn market globally growing at 5-6% a year. Whether you started life as a fixed telephony company, a mobile provider or an Internet company what differentiates you is what content…
Are you the Special One ?
Strategy is an overused word. Frequently mixed up with tactics. I’ve only ever come across one person who calls himself a tactician in the ad trade and that’s Dave Trott in his brilliant book Predatory Thinking. Lets face it that’s not bad company to be in. In Good Strategy Bad Strategy author Richard Rumelt…
Scarcity is the mother
What links UK, Estonia, Israel, New Zealand and South Korea? The clue I think lies in the latter country’s digital reputation as these nations make up the D5, the most advanced digital governments countries in the world. The Digital 5, is a network of leading digital governments with the goal of strengthening the digital economy.…
The best way forward? Turn around and look back.
There’s an important issue that has been raised by many at the forefront of innovation. The pace of change is naturally becoming even faster. At the GDS Sprint 15 conference Martha Lane Fox said that breathlessness wasn’t enough to categorise the pace of change to come. “We’ll be panting” she said. The issue is…