Month: October 2013
Alex Ferguson could turn off the hair dryer
The commentators are buzzing about Ferguson’s new autobiography. Of course most of the comments are about hair dryer treatment, rifts and acrimony. Henry Winter, the Telegraph’s football correspondent says “The main victim of Sir Alex Ferguson’s new book is Roy Keane, who receives far more than the hairdryer treatment. He gets savaged.” In addition the David Beckham incident…
“The young are a different species”
Mark Earls thinks that this is nonsense. In fact “The young are a different species” is Mark Earls’ number 2 nonsense thing in his recent Twitter compilation of top marketing nonsense. The brilliant author of “Herd” has compiled a list of marketing ideas that are doing the rounds that he thinks are rubbish. I agree that…
Don’t get on a plane, send a furbie
The future solution to too much business travel ? Not better video conferencing, not a Humanoid Android look-a-like but perhaps an adorable cuddly toy version of yourself. Back in 2009 there were lots of predictions that business travel would lose out to new forms of video conferencing. Indeed when judging the recent APG awards there…
For your sake, @ckinniburgh, I hope the fitbit failed to log your steps. Only “0 steps, for a total of 0 miles.”
Uh oh. Once again Alfred Ignoble is telling CKinniburgh off. Alfred is the Twitterbot created by Chris Kinniburgh, a law student in the US. Chris has most of his life hooked up by telematics and Alfred responds to the information he gets about how much exercise Chris has managed daily, how many hours he’s spent…
Awards WTF
I’ve been judging awards recently : Media Week and APG. And later on this month it’s the Newsworks awards (still time to enter). It is always a privilege to be a judge. Great to hear about the best thinking of the industry. What does it take to win an award? Russell Davies (who has probably…