Month: May 2013

  • A Total Eclipse of the Media Rationale ?

    Britain’s Eurovision dreams have been dashed again.  No great surprise that Bonnie’s song came 19th out of 26.  That won’t have caused a total eclipse of the national heart. What is a surprise is that academic research from a noted music college has conclusively proved that this is a perfectly fair and just result.  Denmark…

  • Here’s to the non-conformists

    So one of football’s managerial greats has gone.  Ferguson’s era is finally over.  The BBC’s chief football writer Phil McNulty sums him up in three words here “Charismatic, explosive, contrary”.   It is the latter that explains his brilliance for me.  Sir Alex has never acted as he was “supposed to”.  When Wayne Rooney first threatened…

  • Google Glasses or iWatch? Which one’s better? There’s only one way to find out….

    In a meeting with our digital heads last week speculation was rife on this issue.  It boils down I think ultimately to functionality, though fashion clearly has a role in establishing who wins this next zeitgeist battle. As far as Google Glasses are concerned the media is torn between fear of a loss of privacy…

  • The marketing spring is nigh and is running on digital

    Spring seems finally to have arrived.  There’s blossom everywhere as I write (I am aware it could be snowing again by the time you read this!) and there is smile on the face of Londoners who have been braced against the cold for too long so far this year. Some things do take a little…