Month: March 2013
The new imperative for great consumer insight
I’ve recently been chatting to one of the all-time gurus of media strategy about the state of planning in the industry. He worries that good consumer insight is being overshadowed by big data, that the exciting developments in this field will lead to real deep human insight being of less value to marketers and overlooked. …
Conference speakers call for an end to siloed thinking.
This seemed like a theme that speakers came back to again and again during the Warc MAP conference this month. (By the way, I don’t know whether to put “siloed” or “silo’d”. I’m drawn to the apostrophe but decided against it because I know some people get very annoyed by its misuse.) The two days…
You have to see what the customer sees, feel what the customer feels, know their truth to get it right.
I spent some of this morning in the inspiring company of Mat Hunter, Chief Design Officer at the Design Council . (If you’re going to be Chief Design Officer anywhere it can’t get better than that job can it ?) We were sharing a panel at a local government digital summit, compered by the wonderful…