Month: May 2012

  • God save the Queen

    In 1977 a boat  left Charing Cross pier to head down the River Thames.  On the boat the Sex Pistols and invited guests.  Later, as the boat passed the Houses of Parliament, the band played Anarchy in the UK  as loudly as they could.  Shortly afterwards the police boats moved in and started arresting people.…

  • Hello Stevie

    This is not a blog about greeting Stevie Gladdis, our well known joint head of Challenge and Innovation.  Instead a welcome to Stevie, the start up that turns your social network feeds into “beautiful television experience”.  Or in other words flipboard for telly. As Jem Lloyd Williams remarked to me, whether the experience is “beautiful” or…

  • NFI again

    May 2012 and once again I am not invited to Google Zeitgeist conference.  How on earth am I to stay on top of what the zeitgeist actually is without 3 days in May rubbing shoulders with world leaders and media CEOs?  Oh I know, its OK, I can ask an iphone 4S Siri.   Me:…

  • England is West Brom (not Chelsea)

      Imagine that you are about to make a critical senior appointment for your company.  In fact an appointment that is widely regarded as the most crucial and high profile in the industry.  Getting the right man (or woman) for the job is essential to your immediate future success.  You consult your colleagues, you perhaps…