Month: March 2011
We need new measurement systems for TV content and we need them fast.
I was locked into a TV studio overlooking the Thames last week with Gerhard Zeiler, CEO of RTL Group and Charlie Crowe, CEO of C Squared. Charlie was grilling us on the future of TV for a MediaCom webcast. We had a lot to talk about as we obviously live in interesting times as…
What did you do at the weekend?
At a recent discussion about the future of media being cross boundary, one of the speakers raised the idea that for a business to succeed the boundary that they needed to cross was the boundary that is drawn by most people between work and life outside work. She talked about the immense enthusiasm and energy…
Awards – who judges the judges?
Interesting discussions are going on about whether the Media Week Awards format should be revised. I haven’t been party to the main conversations which I believe took place earlier this month but have spoken to a couple of people who were. The overall impression I get is that most people seem to think that the…
Brands can resonate on two levels – globally and very locally and this should work through into their media channels.
Last month on a shopping trip to New York with two teenagers, I found myself sitting quietly in Hollister on 5th Avenue watching the huge screen which depicts a surfing beach live from a webcam in California. The last time I did this it was in Hollister in Brent Cross. The similarities between the two…
Everything, but everything represents the brand – incomprehensible pricing structures by some companies in a sector therefore deliver a massive opportunity for a brand to cut through.
One of my colleagues had a journey up North to arrange – a one way ticket to Manchester. (Not for ever – he had a lift home to London). He spent ages researching online. This indicated that he would be expected to pay in the region of £140 for the journey with no guarantee of…