Month: November 2021

  • Style or Swagger?

    “It’s all about the detail” This could be a comment about media planning, or advertising.  Strategy is fine, but its nothing without the detail. But in fact this what Bryan Ferry said to me about men’s tailoring.  Ferry, a pop star and fashion icon, first came to my attention when he was on Top of…

  • There are 48 ways to transform creativity. Here’s number 3. Use an old idea.

    Recently the grand ad man Dave Trott gave a potted history of great advertising at the excellent ZeeMelt21 conference.  This is a masterclass in what was the golden age of advertising as entertainment, and effective transformation.  Any strategist who is concerned with the role that TikTok will play in their 2022 plans would do well…

  • What are your transformation priorities?

      “I get 200 emails a day, and 3 quarters of them are people breathlessly telling me about their wonderful solution that will change my life. Some percentage of them are probably right but I don’t begin to have enough time to read all those emails let alone answer them… it is one of my…