Month: July 2019
Disruption is not driven by tech. Disruption is driven by dissatisfied customers.
New technologies come and go, and always have done. The ones that stick around and disrupt our businesses are the ones that consumers choose to adopt. As Harvard Business School Professor Thales S.Teixeira writes: “The most common and pervasive pattern of disruption is driven by customers.” When businesses focus on customer needs and wants they…
Everyone seems to be raining on Cannes. Not me – an optimistic take on June 2019
Let’s be positive. Conrad Hilton said: “Travel bridges cultures and promotes peace in the world”. Some people are pointing to Cannes this year as a harbinger of doom. Actually, it was the very opposite. Whilst it would be oversimplistic to suggest that the ad festival promoted world peace, the general message of the week was…