Month: April 2019

  • “All my best decisions are made with heart, guts and taste”

    “All my best decisions are made with heart, guts and taste” Instinct or algorithm? It’s a question that Karen Blackett OBE asked her three interviewees at her Chancellor’s Dinner at Portsmouth University last month. Kanya King OBE, supercool founder of the MOBOS said instinct. Sir Lenny Henry CBE fresh from raising money for Comic Relief…

  • Kind

    Just kind In a business that is under disruption, sometimes the best decision you can make is to be kind. At the IPA conference for International Women’s Day one of the key note speakers Pinky Lilani CBE, Founder, Women of the Future, talked about the importance of kindness in modern leadership.  She said that her business…

  • Is there any purpose in campaigns with purpose?

    There’s plenty of debate about campaigns with purpose.  Much of it very intelligent and informed.  Should marketers invest in campaigns that go beyond communicating the benefits of the product or service advertised and extend into a wider purpose for society with which the brand wants to associate? Does purpose pay is often the question.  And…