Some days are more inspirational than others.
In the morning my client Mark Evans, CMO at Direct Line Group, mentioned that he’d been discussing the fact that Binet and Field’s now omnipresent thinking The Long and the Short of It, was applicable to more stuff than marketing science (crucial though this is). And if anyone is entitled to express this of course it’s Mark whose team won the IPA effectiveness best new learning award.
It’s equally valuable as a guide to your career.
Pundit Mark Ritson explained the lessons he took from the IPA Gold for marketing.
Here’s some lessons that could apply to a career path.
Brand image and differentiation matter.
It wasn’t only Mark Evans who inspired me. The same day MediaCom hosted a Glass Wall network event. (The Glass Wall is my book about diversity at work, and we have an inclusive industry wide network). At this particular event Karen Blackett, OBE, our chair, WPP UK leader, Cabinet NED and race equalities business champion, shared her personal brand building tips together with mindfulness coach, journalist and diversity training expert Mark Edwards. As I say some days are more inspirational than others. It’s crucial to build a personal brand, and yet even in a business of brand builders people don’t always take the advice that they give. Deciding what you stand for, and what you stand against can inform and supercharge everything you do at work. For example, I can’t bear the idea that “good enough” work will do, when outstanding work is always within reach. I feel equally about people who don’t get to fulfil their potential for any reason (hence my last book).
The long and the short applies to your career too.
Binet and Field make a recommendation that brand investment should be balanced with activation investment. Overall at a 60:40 split, but with significant changes to that balance depending on the category in which the brand sits. It is equally crucial to balance long term career investment with short term tactics. Which may well change proportions at various stages of your career journey. So there will be times when you can get an immediate pay hike by jumping ship from one employer to another. It’s very tempting. Especially in times of belt tightening. In the long run though it might prove suboptimal in terms of longterm roi. In other words, a pay hike now might be at the expense of longterm career development. As someone once said to me when I had been given an extremely financially attractive job offer, there’s a reason that place is offering huge salaries – they have to in order to get good people to go there. Sometimes you need to take a deep breath and think it through.
Fame matters.
One of the first, (and to some a bit controversial) findings from the IPA databank was that campaigns that are specifically designed to create fame for a brand outperform other campaigns on all business metrics. Really this is because they drive “mental availability” faster and without this, or spontaneous awareness if you like, then brands find it more difficult to grow.
It’s the same with your career. If someone asks “Who’s the best thinker/seller/ideas person/most efficient?” and your name doesn’t come up at all then you’re less likely to be considered for the next promotion or career opportunity. So as well as making sure that your work is great, you need to be known for great work. Keep a balance then between getting stuff done and building a profile. At different stages of your career the balance will again shift. You need great work to promote, as fame without substance may give you the wrong kind of profile.
Think long and short for your personal brand.