The if only awards
Awards season is on us again (is it ever not these days?), with entries due for Campaign Media, Marketing Soc, Thinkbox, Outdoor, Festival of Media and more.
Enormous effort will be made to ensure that each brilliant idea is explained properly, and the results will be polished up to look as good as possible. It’s important to shine your best work so that it can be judged by a jury of the finest minds in media and marketing.
Effectiveness rules of course, and a good story about customer insight and use of data helps to make the work stand out.
There’s very strict rules in place to ensure that everything that is claimed to have happened did in fact take place. This is right of course and proper.
What if, though reality was only optional? I’d like to suggest another category for the awards. The If Only category. In this category there’s no need for the work actually to have taken place. It need not have run, it can just be a really good idea, that probably would have run if only there’d been enough appetite for risk/the budget hadn’t been cut.
The award would be judged on the basis of how strong the logic was. A brilliant yet untapped consumer insight would kick off the entry. The execution must be innovative, never done before (but technically possible). Full mock-ups of this would be required and a robust yet speculative assessment of return on investment.
Judges would be untroubled by grim reality and expect to be entertained and wowed.
A bit like the idea of the Olympics on steroids. Jeremy Clarkson once wrote: “I find myself hoping Russia reacts (to a proposed ban) by setting up an alternative Olympic Games where anything goes.. on cable TV, Olympians on drugs”.
Stoned hurdling, drunk skiing, 400 metres on drugs were all part of his vision. And as Russia’s Alexander Zubkov receives a 2 year ban for doping (appeal pending) let’s add dazed bob sleighing. Might this make for a slightly more interesting sporting event than some events are (to the unexpert eye) when viewed straight?
I certainly would not ever advocate writing any kind of award entry on drugs of any kind, but I can see that allowing thinkers to escape from reality might lead to some interesting ideas being given oxygen. Ideas that are currently stifled by economic uncertainty or unimaginative selling. Most experienced planners would admit to ideas that “got away” like the imaginary big fish from the expert angler. Even those planners who’ve converted great ideas to reality will have others that have sat on the back burner for years. (At MediaCom we’ve had an annual internal training scheme for many years that works a bit like this, as some external schemes do. Everyone in the agency and media owner delegates does a virtual “pitch” for a brief. And part of the brief is to push the boundaries, maybe further than everyone can in the day job. To think “what if”. I always enjoy and learn much from this annual competition.)
The What if awards. They’d be fun, they’d be frivolous (and in grim times that’s not necessarily a bad thing), and we might just learn a lot from them.
This entry was posted
on Monday, February 18th, 2019 at 4:50 pm and is filed under MediaComment.
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Entering awards? Here’s one category you wish you could enter:
Awards season is on us again (is it ever not these days?), with entries due for Campaign Media, Marketing Soc, Thinkbox, Outdoor, Festival of Media and more.
Enormous effort will be made to ensure that each brilliant idea is explained properly, and the results will be polished up to look as good as possible. It’s important to shine your best work so that it can be judged by a jury of the finest minds in media and marketing.
Effectiveness rules of course, and a good story about customer insight and use of data helps to make the work stand out.
There’s very strict rules in place to ensure that everything that is claimed to have happened did in fact take place. This is right of course and proper.
What if, though reality was only optional? I’d like to suggest another category for the awards. The If Only category. In this category there’s no need for the work actually to have taken place. It need not have run, it can just be a really good idea, that probably would have run if only there’d been enough appetite for risk/the budget hadn’t been cut.
The award would be judged on the basis of how strong the logic was. A brilliant yet untapped consumer insight would kick off the entry. The execution must be innovative, never done before (but technically possible). Full mock-ups of this would be required and a robust yet speculative assessment of return on investment.
Judges would be untroubled by grim reality and expect to be entertained and wowed.
A bit like the idea of the Olympics on steroids. Jeremy Clarkson once wrote: “I find myself hoping Russia reacts (to a proposed ban) by setting up an alternative Olympic Games where anything goes.. on cable TV, Olympians on drugs”.
Stoned hurdling, drunk skiing, 400 metres on drugs were all part of his vision. And as Russia’s Alexander Zubkov receives a 2 year ban for doping (appeal pending) let’s add dazed bob sleighing. Might this make for a slightly more interesting sporting event than some events are (to the unexpert eye) when viewed straight?
I certainly would not ever advocate writing any kind of award entry on drugs of any kind, but I can see that allowing thinkers to escape from reality might lead to some interesting ideas being given oxygen. Ideas that are currently stifled by economic uncertainty or unimaginative selling. Most experienced planners would admit to ideas that “got away” like the imaginary big fish from the expert angler. Even those planners who’ve converted great ideas to reality will have others that have sat on the back burner for years. (At MediaCom we’ve had an annual internal training scheme for many years that works a bit like this, as some external schemes do. Everyone in the agency and media owner delegates does a virtual “pitch” for a brief. And part of the brief is to push the boundaries, maybe further than everyone can in the day job. To think “what if”. I always enjoy and learn much from this annual competition.)
The What if awards. They’d be fun, they’d be frivolous (and in grim times that’s not necessarily a bad thing), and we might just learn a lot from them.
This entry was posted on Monday, February 18th, 2019 at 4:50 pm and is filed under MediaComment. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.