Month: February 2018

  • What you need for next level leadership

    A recent brief for a talk at a conference about leadership ran as follows: “We want the delegates to understand that what’s got them to the senior level that they are at now, isn’t enough to take them to the next level of business leadership”. What’s necessary for the next level? Technical expertise and being…

  • Respect is more important than a title

    “Any fool can buy a car, but you can’t buy respect”. “free fall”, Robert Crais You can’t buy respect.  You have to earn it. There’s some jobs where hierarchy and status mean that everyone below you more or less does as you tell them. I imagine the armed forces work like this, and the police…

  • Advertising and marketing don’t feature as career choices for kids

    At the centenary of suffrage for some women in the UK, a report reveals that girls as young as 7 think women less smart than men. A recent report on the career aspirations of 7-11 year olds has concluded that from a very young age most children stereotype jobs according to gender and their career…

  • Leaders have one job

    How many voices do you need for great leadership? Writer and leadership coach, Amy Jen Su wrote in Harvard Business Review earlier this year that you need to cultivate many different leadership voices rather than simply focussing on trying to appear confident. She lists five different voices that she says are essential for leadership –…