Month: November 2017

  • Be brave

    “Comfortable spaces to have uncomfortable conversations” So said, Gemma Greaves, ceo Marketing Society, as she introduced this year’s conference at the Science Museum. In 2016 I praised the conference content but remarked about the lack of gender diversity on stage.  As a result Gemma recruited me to her conference panel for this year. Let’s get…

  • Feedback

    “His team would follow him anywhere, but only out of morbid curiosity” (Source: feedback review from a large US corporation) Feedback is crucial. I always want more feedback on how I’m doing. My ceo Josh Krichefski reminded his board recently to seek feedback frequently and act on it. Feedback at work has evolved from a…

  • Standing by is no longer an option

    Its darker now. Its darker now as autumn takes a hold. Brexit looms.  Most businesses are calculating the impact of change; an unpredictable regulatory framework; the potential brain drain to our industry. The latest Bellwether report says that two thirds of marketing companies have frozen their spend.  Campaign’s Gideon Spanier says that the signs are…

  • Nailing it – how everyone else being wrong can’t be right

    500 years ago, on 31st October 1517, Martin Luther nailed a poster on to the door of a church that changed history.  Establishing, once and for all, the power of out of home media. Actually, not the point of this blog.  Sorry poster fans. 500 years ago Luther nailed a paper with 95 theses on…