Month: August 2017

  • Mur de Verre

    In the months since the Cannes Advertising festival in June I have been mulling over the state of our industry.  As a self-proclaimed champion of diversity in senior management, how was gender diversity represented there this year? I wasn’t staying in Cannes so needed cabs to and from my out of town room and I’m…

  • Diversity of thinking

    Mark Zuckerberg remarked at the launch of Facebook Watch, a Youtube style content video channel: “Watching a show doesn’t have to be passive. It can be a chance to share an experience and bring people together who care about the same things.” Thus at a stroke, he adopts for Facebook a couple of the strongest…

  • Them and Us

    Daniel Kahneman is the father of behavioural economics for which he won a Nobel prize in 2002 for his revolutionary theories that challenged the idea that economics worked on the basis of humans being rational. He showed instead that economics really operates on the basis of dumb instinct. When I saw him speak (thanks to Rory Sutherland)…

  • Fragmentation and distrust in elections and consumer marketing

    Gillian Tett is the managing editor of FT. Last month she created a new acronym to explain to the world the continual surprises of the electoral results in the western world. FUCU. Tett wrote FUCU as a political analysis. A cynical analysis.  It led me to question whether FUCU might be a descriptor for marcomms too.…

  • Debunking myths

    Did you catch the headlines about women’s brain size earlier this month? It turns out that women’s brains are smaller than men’s.  This is not particularly startling as men are on the whole larger than women.  (Especially when they man-spread of course).  A new study from Erasmus University in Rotterdam claims that this correlates with…