Month: June 2017
If it ain’t broke it soon will be
Not the printer. Not the presentation facilities. Not the air con now that summer has arrived. Your business model. Over 70% of venture capital and equity funding in the UK goes into developing tech; in excess of £9bn last year. The variety of innovation driving this investment demonstrated in June’s London Tech Week takes your…
Man v Machine
20 years ago one man had his life’s effort trashed by a computer. One pundit wrote “the world champion found himself humbled by a 1.4-ton heap of silicone in a victory for IBM’s Deep Blue that marks a milestone in the progress of artificial intelligence. It is a depressing day for humankind in general” In…
Once more with meaning
“We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run”. So says Amara’s Law, which we see repeatedly play out in nearly every new thing in media and marketing. It’s best illustrated by the annual Gartner Hype Cycle, which plots new tech every year…