Month: February 2017

  • Where we stumble, there we find treasure

    Learning to fail A new study into teaching has pointed out that one of the failures of our education system is that it doesn’t prepare students for failure, nor reward them for making mistakes. Which is a mistake. How do you learn, if you’re not learning from your mistakes? The study, from the Open University,…

  • Are you ok?

    February 2nd was Time to talk day, when the charity Time to change, encourages the nation to reach out to each other and take a moment to check in and make sure everyone is ok. Don’t worry if you missed it – you can take the time to reach out today too. This can be…

  • Britain Decoded

    “We divided ourselves among caste, creed, culture and countries but what is undivided remains most valuable: a mere smile and the love.” ― Santosh Kalwar Britain is divided.  There’s no question about it.  Brexit pitted family members against each other and the closeness of the vote has torn an even wider chasm in politics.  Emotions are…

  • Public trust is in crisis

    Government, business and media have all lost the confidence of the UK population in a dramatic fall in the last year.  There is an unprecedented feeling in the UK that life is not as fair as it used to be. Only one in nine of the UK population think that the system still works. The…