Month: January 2017

  • Fake news, back to the bad old days

    “The 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer reveals the largest-ever drop in trust across the institutions of government, business, media and NGOs. Trust in media (43 percent) fell precipitously and is at all-time lows in 17 countries” Fake news sells. It’s a cliché that most people don’t read past the headline of any story.  One of the…

  • Could CES be better?

    What struck your imagination at CES, the much anticipated trade show for leading edge developments this year?   Our head of digital Sarah Treliving felt that overall whilst there’s lots of products on show that do cool stuff at the show, only a very few of them feel like they’ve been designed for a current…

  • 2017, here comes more chaos, be ready to transform

    2017 marks thirty years since the original publication of the book that made Chaos Theory popular. Chaos Theory is a branch of mathematics that explains how huge change can come about unexpectedly from the accumulation of tiny changes.  The most famous example is the butterfly effect. This shows how a tiny change, caused by the…