Month: October 2016
Fresh blood in the mix
At the Royal Television Society conference last month there were calls for “Fresh blood in the funding mix” This felt a bit strange to me, as a panellist from the media agency sector. We have for a long time now been including branded content as a crucial part of the content and connections mix of…
When the machines take control
The machines are coming. In the course of talking about The Glass Wall, success strategies for women at work and businesses that mean business, some people have told me and my co-author Kathryn that there really is no need to be anxious about gender inequality in senior management. They speak comfortably about the rise of…
Time to add common sense to video view metrics
What is a view? “This is the glory of business travel” According to Rob Norman, Chief Digital Officer of Group M, and he travels a lot, so if anyone should know Rob should know, the glory of business travel is doing your own ironing. He posted a video (which is strangely mesmerising) of himself ironing…