Month: June 2016
How much empathy do you have?
Empathy is a finite resource, according to HBR’s Adam Waytz. If I am empathetic towards you today, I will have less empathy towards my friend at dinner this evening. If you take on board one colleague’s problem over lunch, you’re going to be less ready to shoulder the burden of a team member at teatime.…
Are Planners Printist?
James Wildman, CRO of Trinity Mirror says they are. He writes that research has uncovered prejudice in agencies: “Printism can be defined as: “The preconceived opinion not based on reason or actual experience of the print medium; bias, partiality, unreasoned dislike, hostility or antagonism towards, or discrimination against, print – accelerated by those closest to it…
The Secret Life of Millennials
The Great Wall of China is the only man made structure visible from space; a penny dropped from a tall building can kill a man; men think about sex every 6 seconds; we only use 10 per cent of our brains. Millennials have the attention span of a goldfish. All commonly held popular…
Down with the “Digirati”
“Programmatic: it’s automated trading – say it as it is. What is big data? – it’s what you do with it that’s important”. This is Claudine Collins speaking her mind about advertising buzz words that she hears too much and just aren’t simple enough. We all have a tendency to use jargon, as discussed in…