Month: April 2016
Adblocking: A Darwin Wedge?
Economist Robert H. Frank coined the term Darwin’s Wedge to describe situations where stuff evolves to benefit the individual but actually is bad for the species overall. Look for instance at the elephant seal. Bull elephant seals are huge. They can weigh as much as 6 thousand pounds. They’re 5 times bigger than female seals. …
“Juries don’t buy evidence they buy narrative… Our job is to tell the story better than the other guy”.
This is Johnnie Cochrane on The people v OJ Simpson, American Crime Story. The jury he’s talking about are of course those picked for the famous controversial murder trial in the 1990s. But could he be talking about any jury? Including those who are about to judge the awards for the upcoming, packed, 2016 awards…
Even if you have the right strategy, the wrong tactics will get you wet.
The exciting part of the Oxford and Cambridge boat races this year was the women’s race. (Yes that’s right, the section of the old established rowing competition that although it has been taking place alongside the men’s race since 1927, and annually since 1967, has only been televised since 2015). It was a cox’s competition. …
Art versus science?
Have you heard the MediaCom Connected Podcast yet? One of the issues that ceo Josh Krichefski highlights is diversity. This time not diversity of gender or ethnicity or socio-economic background, though all of this is close to his heart and on his agenda. This time he talked about head versus heart, art versus science: “There…
Binge viewing: good or bad for us?
According to a new study from the University of Toledo there is a new sickness putting the first world at peril: Binge Viewing Their conclusion is that TV viewing is associated with poor mental and physical health outcomes. With the advent of novel media for viewing television, “binge-watching” is a growing public health concern that…