Month: March 2016

  • Rewrite the code

    Facebook celebrated International Women’s Day in London with the launch of Theirworld’s  “Rewriting the code” campaign.  Sarah Brown said that this meant changing the deep rooted values embedded in society across the globe that are stifling the potential of women. Aside from the benefits of fairness, there is a powerful argument for business to support…

  • Are you collaborated out?

    If you aren’t collaborating on a project these days then I don’t know what you are doing with your day.  It is everywhere in media and advertising circles these days. If we’re not partnering we’re collaborating.  If we’re not collaborating we’re playing as a team.  And if we’re not doing that at least then we’re…

  • What is the worst thing you’ve ever done in the office?

    How would you feel if a prospective boss asked you that?  How honest could you be? And would you expect to be offered the job as a result? And what is the point to such a question? Interviews are useless. You’d never judge whether an athlete should compete in the Olympics from an interview or…

  • Don’t fix the problem, eliminate the cause of the problem.

    Since the launch of the Government Digital Service in 2012, the digital transformation engine for the UK government, there has been a significant step change in online services.  Try applying for a driving licence online, if you haven’t done it recently, you’ll be shocked at how easy it is now.  In total there’s been over…