Month: November 2015
I completely disagree
Tom Goodwin, SVP at Havas in NYC, and I have never met, but we’ve disagreed about things publically on Twitter, and been in violent agreement there too. We share a view that a bit of devil’s advocacy is important to our industry. Last month he tweeted “Passive agreement is killing vital discussions at conferences in…
What would make you happier at work?
On a scale of 1 to 5, how do you feel about your role in the company? Both these questions are lifted from Jeff Sutherland’s new book “Scrum: the art of doing twice the work in half the time”. In many sectors, including media agencies, we need to do more work in less time because…
You call it advertising, I call it content: A view from a media agency
Why has the term Content roused such fury amongst some in our industry? At Time Inc’s recent Campaign summit exploring the Future of Content there was quite an argument about the term Content itself. Some say it is yet another way of complicating matters and ask where is the exact definition. Others enquire whether there…
What advice would you give your 21 year old self?
It’s that time of year when we’re welcoming a whole new intake of talent into MediaCom. Fresh from academic pursuits. First jobbers. Up for anything. All of them have survived at the time of writing. There are precedents here. I worked somewhere once where a new graduate didn’t make it through the first day –…
“I’m never going to put boundaries on myself ever again. I’m never going to say I can’t do it. I’m never going to say maybe. I’m never going to say I don’t think I can. I can and I will.”
Nearly 15m viewers for the Great British Bake Off Final on the BBC. More than a quarter of everyone in the UK tuned in to Nadiya’s heartfelt speech (all audience figures used in blog are Source: AdvantEdge (BARB) – Individual Max TVRs). I personally have my doubts about marshmallow fondant with lemon drizzle but none…