Month: July 2014

  • Fewer cocks in the Cabinet.

    Comedian Andy Hamilton summed up how most of us feel about the injection of women into the new Cabinet when he said :”it’s nice that Cameron has discovered women so near election time.”   The reshuffle, which means that there are now 5 women in the Cabinet again (back to the level in 2011), seems…

  • “One night stand” or “Secret affair”?

    News breaks this week that Air New Zealand is withdrawing its safety video after thousands signed an online petition claiming it was “culturally insensitive”.  What could possibly offend in a set of bikini clad Sports Illustrated models telling you to keep your safety belt fastened !? It’s still available at You Tube for you to…

  • Don’t exploit the stack, if you should be exploiting the mesh (and vice versa) !

    If you haven’t spent half an hour in the company of brilliant and charming, Controller of Commercial Digital Products at ITV, Jon Block, then I suggest you do so at once.   He’s got a list of user needs from the second screen while watching TV which is well worth contemplating.   How we exploit…