Month: May 2014

  • Movies lack alpha females too.

    Last week Campaign journalist Louise Ridley asked me to comment on a piece of research which said that advertising lacked alpha females. The sample size was only 35 but the IPA’s statistics confirm that female advertising leadership stands at 26% … Not bad compared to some industries, great compared to the representation of women in…

  • We need to effect a behaviour change.

    Many briefs have this ambition, whether explicit or implicit.  A brief that seeks to drive loyalty, drive frequency or drive penetration wants some kind of behaviour habit change. Yet behaviour change is a tough nut to crack. Latest theories about how advertising works fashionably claim that it reinforces existing habits rather than makes a change. …

  • You have to learn how to fall.

    This is one of the themes of international bestselling novel ‘The Truth about the Harry Quebert affair”.  No need for a spoiler alert, I’m not going to give anything away here.  The twists and turns of the plot include the protagonist getting this advice from his eponymous mentor.   I won’t comment on the book…

  • “You talking to me? “

    “You talkin to me? Then who the hell else are you talkin …you talkin to me?”   So said Travis Bickle, anticipating a lack of respect from someone targeting him, in the iconic 1976 movie Taxi Driver.   It turns out many mums feel the same way.  Certainly the mums surveyed in Mumsnet and Saatchi’s…

  • What have you done wrong lately?

    In reviewing Eels latest release, in the Sunday Times, Mark Edwards writes of its creative lead E: “In Everett, Eels fans have found someone who makes all the mistakes they do, but is willing to admit it…. Never more so that on his latest album, which lays out recent missteps and mercilessly examines them in…