Month: June 2013
Don’t count your chickens in a 9 block grid
The 9 block grid is Jack Welch’s famous method for evaluating staff. There are two criteria : Potential and Performance. Those who excel at both are in the top right hand corner. Those who fail at both are in the bottom left hand. If you’re one of the three best blocks then you will be…
What do you learn at an awayday?
Recent trailers for The Apprentice show the candidates organising corporate awaydays for “major clients”. I’ve been to my fair share of awaydays over the years, several of which certainly had elements at least that might have been organised by people with similar levels of ambition and professionalism to those currently competing to go into business…
The impact of directness
One cold dark night, in the closing years of the last century, I and a few brave colleagues (including Matt Mee, then an outdoor expert, now our Global CSO) took an unconventional approach to the marketing of the Converse All Star. We projected the advertising, guerrilla style, on to the exterior walls of major indie…