Month: November 2012

  • Do the same thing as last year ? Flux that.

    Generation X, Generation Y, the Millennials, Gen YNot.  All useful and descriptive phrases.  ( If everyone in the meeting is clear on what they mean that is. ) The next generation that will change everything however is not purely defined by age and demographic but by attitude and action.  It is Generation Flux. The pace…

  • Which is better : man marking or zonal defence ?

    Which would you prefer in your organisation: a management structure where – when something goes wrong – you know whose fault it is? Or a management structure where it’s less clear whose fault it is when things go wrong, but where there is a greater chance of success? In other words, would you give up a…

  • A quiet man of honour.

      This blog is dedicated to Geoff de Burca.  In fact he paid for it.  Let me explain. One week after the amazing Channel 4 Stand up to Cancer night, MediaCom ran its own version in the bar in Holborn. Compered for the evening by the inimitable Jem Lloyd-Williams (McIntyre eat your heart out) the…