Advertising forms reputation. Reputation puts demands on companies to be more honest.

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Thom Dinsdale @thomdinsdale

Thanks to Andy Walsh for forwarding me this Tweet.  Interesting isn’t it?

It reminds me of The 4891 Theory (the inverse of 1984).

In Orwell’s dystopian masterpiece the general public was constantly watched by Big Brother and nothing went unremarked or unpunished. 

In reality it is the great and the famous people of the world who are constantly under scrutiny from the general public.  The famous now can’t escape punishment for unacceptable behaviour whether it is inappropriate remarks from politicians ( or goings on by prominent footballers (

And how world leaders are allowed to keep talking with their mics still attached escapes me.  That’s like media buyers overhearing what media owners say about them in the pub after the negotiation. (

So the bigger a star you are the more careful you need to be about your reputation. 

Exactly true for a brand too.

The more famous and esteemed your brand reputation is the greater the need to tell the truth.

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