What is the Future of Work?

MediaCom Career’s conference earlier this month took this as its key topic.. not a small one obviously.

The speakers throughout the afternoon ranged from the futuristic (Rhys from MediaCom is still buzzing from the CES in Vegas earlier this year and sees the world in 3d) to the philosophical (Alain de Botton took a sweeping look at the development of our attitudes to work based on his latest book “The pleasures and sorrows of work”

MediaCom Career’s managing director Aki Mandhar highlighted the biggest issue that I think faces employers these days. Living as we do in the Age of Dialogue we’re all faced with the very real fact that our brand is not our own anyway – but truly belongs to our customers. But not just to our customers but also to our employees. Marketing directors can try and deliver as complete a brand experience as they like, but as well as the very easy access consumers now have to customer reviews and twitter feeds about the brand, they can also easily access how employees inside the company really feel about it.

The website Glassdoor.com gives a free insight into 84,000 companies with anonymous comments from employees about interviews, salaries and working conditions. And yes MediaCom Worldwide is on there and our global CEO Steve gets 100% approval. But looking through the comments and scores generally it is very hard obviously to get a brilliant review overall. Especially in the current economic climate. Even Google who have an excellent corporate reputation only manage 3.9 out of 5.

This would not be everyone’s first port of call when looking at a brand’s reputation, but just as few of us go anywhere on holiday now without checking out tripadvisor.com or similar sites, we can expect sites that report back on how employees feel – including of course those with an axe to grind – to increase in their importance for all levels of staff.

Your employees are your brand more than ever before. Not just, as in the past, in the sense that your customer’s experience you through them. But in the sense that your potential future employees will check with your current and past employees on what it is like to work for you. For your brand to have a future, this had better be a proper reflection of your marketing.



