Month: June 2010
Will the internet make us more generous and curious?
On a recent episode of Radio 4’s Infinite Monkey Cage (a humorous science show) Alan Moore – renowned graphic artist and author of Watchmen and V for Vendetta – described a comic strip by Stephen Collins ( A stranger approaches a fortress. He knocks at the gate and asks to be let in. The guards…
Freedom of speech is written into the American Constitution, but apparently freedom to contradict your boss is less enshrined.
President Obama sacked his US military commander in Afghanistan after he was reported in Rolling Stone magazine criticising the administration. Although General Stanley McChrystal apologised publically saying “it was a mistake reflecting poor judgement”, Obama has fired him anyway on the basis that as Commander in Chief he will not tolerate “division” within his team.…
To desert the ship or their quarters in battle, was punished with death or marooning
This is one of the pirate articles or rules of behaviour set down in 1720 by the famous Welsh pirate Bartholomew Roberts (pictured above). You can read more about him at ( Adam Morgan – who coined the terminology of brand challenger behaviour, uses the pirate articles as a way of building challenger behaviour…
Is Deal or No Deal the best education?
It is really difficult to learn from experience. Whether that experience is a good or a bad one, whether its personal or at work. The reason it is so hard is down to “hindsight bias”. This is the very human instinct to justify what has just happened to you (good or bad) in a way…