Month: February 2010

  • Converted to Kindle

    I’ve just come back from a week away at half term fully converted to the concept of the e-reader. I am a voracious reader. The fairly long journey to New York and back, allowed me to really get used to and appreciate the Kindle I was given at Christmas. For once I didn’t need to…

  • Alternatively Funded Content paves the way for new communication solutions

    The business models for funding content are fundamentally shifting, and this shift will deliver a new paradigm in communication planning. The traditional models for funding quality journalism via advertising seem under irrevocable strain especially in newspapers. Programme makers on TV are for the first time beginning to whole heartedly welcome advertisers directly. This was certainly…

  • Do career dads make bad ads?

    Glad January is over – cold, dark, not that inspiring. My first day back at work was January 4th, and I nearly turned round and went home after I caught sight of the OAA campaign emblazed on a busside: “Career women make bad mothers”. It was my first awareness of the campaign, and it made…